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Supporting Loved Ones with Mental Illness

Writer: Eugene RoginskyEugene Roginsky

Supporting Loved Ones with Mental Illness: Tips for Caregivers and Family Members.

Mental illness affects not just the individual diagnosed but also their loved ones. As a caregiver or family member of someone with a mental illness, it's natural to want to provide as much support as possible. However, knowing how to do so effectively can be challenging.

In this article, we'll explore some tips for supporting your loved ones with mental illness based on the practice of Eugene Roginsky, LCSW, located in Lincolnshire, Lake County, IL.


Understanding Mental Illness

Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions that affect a person's mood, thinking, behavior, and overall functioning. These conditions can significantly impact daily living, relationships, and the ability to work or go to school. Mental illnesses can be temporary or long-lasting, mild or severe. Some common types of mental illness include:

  1. Mood disorders: Such as depression and bipolar disorder, are characterized by significant changes in mood, energy levels, and activity.

  2. Anxiety disorders: Including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobias, involving excessive fear or anxiety.

  3. Psychotic disorders: Such as schizophrenia, involve distorted thinking and awareness, including delusions and hallucinations.

  4. Eating disorders: Like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, involve preoccupations with food, body weight, and shape.

  5. Personality disorders: Including borderline personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder, involve enduring patterns of behavior, cognition, and inner experience that deviate markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture.

  6. Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders: Such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), involving recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions).

  7. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): A condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, leading to symptoms such as flashbacks, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event.

Mental illnesses are diagnosed based on a combination of factors, including reported symptoms, clinical observations, and, sometimes, medical tests to rule out other conditions. Effective treatments, such as psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle changes, can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

It is important to note that mental illness often does not stand alone. Physical conditions and ailments can compound the already existing symptoms or even create signs and symptoms common with mental health conditions.

Who are the Caregivers

A caregiver of someone with mental illness is an individual who provides support and assistance to a person experiencing mental health challenges. This role can be filled by family members, friends, or professional caregivers and involves various responsibilities, including:

  1. Emotional support: Offering compassion, understanding, and encouragement to help the person cope with their condition.

  2. Practical assistance: Helping with daily tasks such as managing medications, scheduling and attending medical appointments, and handling household chores.

  3. Advocacy: Ensuring the person receives appropriate medical care, social services, and support by communicating with healthcare providers and other relevant organizations.

  4. Monitoring: Keeping an eye on the person's symptoms and overall well-being to identify any changes that might require medical attention.

  5. Education: Learning about the specific mental illness to better understand the condition, its symptoms, and effective ways to provide support.

  6. Self-care: Managing their own mental and physical health to prevent caregiver burnout and maintain the ability to provide effective care.

Caregivers play a crucial role in the recovery and management of mental illness, helping individuals navigate the challenges associated with their condition and improving their quality of life.

Creating a supportive environment for someone with mental illness involves several key strategies that promote safety, understanding, and positive reinforcement

Tips for Supporting Loved Ones

Creating a supportive environment for someone with mental illness involves several key strategies that promote safety, understanding, and positive reinforcement. Here are some ways a caregiver can foster such an environment:

1. Educate Yourself

  • Understand the Illness: Learn about the specific mental illness, its symptoms, treatment options, and typical challenges. This knowledge will help you respond appropriately and supportively. When it doubt, ask. Many mental health professionals offer consultations.

  • Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest information and research on mental illness to ensure the support provided is based on current best practices. Resources like Psychology Today offer up-to-date articles on mental health conditions, the latest treatment options, and family support.


2. Communication

  • Active Listening: Show empathy and listen without judgment. Allow the person to express their feelings and thoughts freely. Try to summarize what the individual stated, “So what I am hearing you say is -.” Offer encouragement for more dialogue, “Thank you for sharing, is there more?” Ask open-ended questions, “Tell me about what happened and how that made you feel.” Give empathic statements like “I can see how this made you feel this way.”

  • Open Dialogue: Encourage open and honest communication. Let them know they can talk to you about their experiences and concerns. Having a scheduled Talk Time a few times a week, even for 30 minutes per session helps. Having emotional Check-Ins work.


Don’t forget meta-communication. Communicate about communicating. Discuss which modes of communication work best and what days/times are most convenient for discussions.

  • Non-Verbal Cues: Be aware of body language and other non-verbal signals that may indicate how the person is feeling. Always ask yourself; What could my loved ones be seeing, hearing, smelling, and feeling (physically and emotionally) at this moment?

3. Create a Safe and Stable Environment

  • Consistent Routine: Establish a regular daily schedule to provide structure and predictability.

  • Calm Atmosphere: Maintain a calm and peaceful home environment to reduce stress and anxiety triggers. Think de-stimulation, not over-stimulation.

  • Safety Measures: Ensure the environment is safe, which may include removing any potentially harmful items if the person is at risk of self-harm. Depending on the mental health condition, assistance is available in keeping your home safe.

4. Encourage Independence and Empowerment

  • Promote Autonomy: Encourage the person to make their own decisions and take part in their treatment plan.

  • Support Self-Care: Help them develop and maintain healthy habits such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep.

  • Skill Building: Assist in developing coping strategies and life skills that can help them manage their condition more effectively.

5. Access to Professional Help

  • Facilitate Appointments: Help schedule and attend medical appointments, therapy sessions, and support groups.

  • Medication Management: Ensure they take their medications as prescribed and discuss any side effects with healthcare providers.

  • Crisis Plan: Develop a crisis plan that includes emergency contacts, steps to take during a mental health crisis, awareness of the local emergency room, and when to seek professional help. Seek professional assistance to formulate a crisis plan. 

6. Emotional Support

  • Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledge and celebrate their achievements and progress, no matter how small.

  • Empathy and Patience: Be patient and compassionate, recognizing that recovery can be a long and challenging process.

  • Avoid Stigma: Treat them with dignity and respect, and actively work to eliminate any stigma associated with their condition.

7. Care for Yourself

  • Self-Care: Ensure you are also taking care of your own physical and mental health. This might include taking breaks, seeking support from friends or support groups, and engaging in activities you enjoy.

  • Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to manage your time and energy effectively.

By incorporating these strategies, a caregiver can create a nurturing and supportive environment that promotes the well-being and recovery of a person with mental illness.

How do I know if my loved one's mental health is improving?

How do I know if my loved one's mental health is improving?

Recognizing improvements in your loved one’s mental health can be a gradual and sometimes subtle process. Here are some indicators that may suggest their mental health is getting better:

1. Improved Mood and Outlook

  • Positive Mood: Noticeable reductions in symptoms of depression or anxiety, such as fewer episodes of sadness or panic.

  • Optimism: A more positive outlook on life and the future, with fewer negative thoughts.

2. Better Coping Skills

  • Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Using effective strategies to manage stress and emotions, such as exercising, journaling, or talking about their feelings.

  • Reduced Reliance on Negative Behaviors: Decreased use of unhealthy coping mechanisms, like substance abuse or self-harm.

3. Increased Engagement

  • Social Interaction: More willingness to engage in social activities and maintain relationships with friends and family.

  • Hobbies and Interests: Re-engaging in hobbies or activities they once enjoyed.

4. Stable Daily Routine

  • Consistent Schedule: Maintaining a regular daily routine, including sleeping, eating, and personal hygiene.

  • Productivity: Increased ability to carry out daily tasks and responsibilities, such as work, school, or household chores.

5. Communication

  • Open Dialogue: More open and honest communication about their feelings and experiences.

  • Expressing Needs: Ability to express needs and ask for help when necessary.

6. Physical Health

  • Energy Levels: Improved energy and motivation, less fatigue.

  • Appetite and Sleep: Regular and healthy eating and sleeping patterns.

7. Self-Esteem and Confidence

  • Positive Self-View: Higher self-esteem and confidence in their abilities.

  • Goal Setting: Setting and working towards personal goals.

8. Compliance with Treatment

  • Adherence to Medication: Taking medications as prescribed and attending therapy sessions consistently.

  • Active Participation: Actively participating in their treatment plan and showing interest in self-improvement.

9. Fewer Crisis Situations

  • Stability: Reduced frequency and severity of mental health crises or episodes.

  • Resilience: Improved ability to bounce back from setbacks.

  • NOTE: It is imperative to have a crisis plan created with your loved one, other caregivers, family members, healthcare providers, and mental health professionals.

10. Feedback from Professionals

  • Therapist Observations: Positive feedback from their therapist or psychiatrist regarding their progress.

  • Regular Check-ins: Regular mental health check-ups show improvement.

11. Monitoring Progress

  • Journaling: Keeping a journal to track mood, behaviors, and progress over time can provide tangible evidence of improvement.

  • Support Groups: Engaging with support groups where they or you can share experiences and observe progress.


Supporting a loved one with a mental illness can be both challenging and rewarding. By educating yourself, practicing empathy, and setting clear boundaries, you can provide the support your loved one needs to thrive. If you need additional guidance, don't hesitate to seek professional consultation.

Eugene Roginsky

Eugene Roginsky, LCSW,

from Bridge2Horizon Psychotherapy and Counseling Services, offers complimentary consultations for family caregivers.



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